"Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working" Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
"The wonders of riding are many, but perhaps the most important is an awareness of never-ending discovery" (Charles de Kunffy)A few days ago I attended a clinic with Kyra Kyrklund.
I have been lucky enough to listen to her on a couple of earlier occasions as well. I admire her; not only for her results, which are impressive - but also as a person and an instructor.
She is a very down-to-earth and humoristic person.
On the seminar she emphasised the significance of the rider's balance, and how important it is for the output from the horse. She illustrated her thoughts with the help of two pony riders followed by two GP-riders, one of them on a younger and very talented horse.
By the way she explained thing I'm pretty sure that she was influenced by one of my favourite authors when it comes to riding; Mary Wanless. I believe Mary Wanless has some very good thoughts and explanations about the interaction of the horse and rider, and I enjoyed the fact that Kyra obviously thought so too.
I try to attend as many seminars and clinics as I can.
I always get a lot of inspiration, and return home ready to try out new things.
Problem is that until the next day I've forgotten most of it.
But I have a secret weapon; my good friend Anne, who brings her video camera along.
Unfortunately Anne has moved to Hannover, Germany to become a vet.
Impressive, in my opinion. Studying to be a vet is tough enough, but to study it in german?
Bordering to crazy, if you ask me.
The good thing is that she's situated in Hannover. In the middle of Horse-land.
Bad thing is that she has to study so hard so she hasn't had a chance to SEE a horse. Bwahahaha.
When she moved to Hannover, she gave me a whole map with DVDs from the different seminars we had attended.
We’re talking about MAJOR sweet bag here, guys.
You can guess where I spent my spare time the following days…
But I made it Anne, I remembered the camera!
The clinic with Kyra was just a part of a larger 12 day’s show called Arctic Equestrian Games, AEG.
I had travelled down to watch the show with a bunch of old friends.
After her clinic came a GP Kür, so we watched that as well.
It was OK, but I find that watching competitions isn't that fun any longer, whether it’s dressage or jumping. Maybe I'm turning into an old bore.
After the Kür was finished, we went to eat tapas at a restaurant in the nearby town, Tønsberg.
And that was the best of all.
You know, us horse people don’t have much time for social activities.
We rush through our jobs, rush home, rush to the stables, muck out (in a rush as the horses are hungry) rush out to get the said horses in – and try to relax to get some quality time with your horse.
And we chat with other people in the stable of course.
But I find that my time is not sufficient to keep up contact with my friends to the extent that I would like to, which I regret.
Now, the horse-crazy bunch that was with me to the restaurant isn’t in the same stable as me anymore, but some of them I’ve known for 10-15 years.
And you know, eating good food, having a good laugh or two and chatting horse with old friends, that’s the very best.
Even better than Kyra.
I have been lucky enough to listen to her on a couple of earlier occasions as well. I admire her; not only for her results, which are impressive - but also as a person and an instructor.
She is a very down-to-earth and humoristic person.
On the seminar she emphasised the significance of the rider's balance, and how important it is for the output from the horse. She illustrated her thoughts with the help of two pony riders followed by two GP-riders, one of them on a younger and very talented horse.
By the way she explained thing I'm pretty sure that she was influenced by one of my favourite authors when it comes to riding; Mary Wanless. I believe Mary Wanless has some very good thoughts and explanations about the interaction of the horse and rider, and I enjoyed the fact that Kyra obviously thought so too.
I try to attend as many seminars and clinics as I can.
I always get a lot of inspiration, and return home ready to try out new things.
Problem is that until the next day I've forgotten most of it.
But I have a secret weapon; my good friend Anne, who brings her video camera along.
Unfortunately Anne has moved to Hannover, Germany to become a vet.
Impressive, in my opinion. Studying to be a vet is tough enough, but to study it in german?
Bordering to crazy, if you ask me.
The good thing is that she's situated in Hannover. In the middle of Horse-land.
Bad thing is that she has to study so hard so she hasn't had a chance to SEE a horse. Bwahahaha.
When she moved to Hannover, she gave me a whole map with DVDs from the different seminars we had attended.
We’re talking about MAJOR sweet bag here, guys.
You can guess where I spent my spare time the following days…
But I made it Anne, I remembered the camera!
The clinic with Kyra was just a part of a larger 12 day’s show called Arctic Equestrian Games, AEG.
I had travelled down to watch the show with a bunch of old friends.
After her clinic came a GP Kür, so we watched that as well.
It was OK, but I find that watching competitions isn't that fun any longer, whether it’s dressage or jumping. Maybe I'm turning into an old bore.
After the Kür was finished, we went to eat tapas at a restaurant in the nearby town, Tønsberg.
And that was the best of all.
You know, us horse people don’t have much time for social activities.
We rush through our jobs, rush home, rush to the stables, muck out (in a rush as the horses are hungry) rush out to get the said horses in – and try to relax to get some quality time with your horse.
And we chat with other people in the stable of course.
But I find that my time is not sufficient to keep up contact with my friends to the extent that I would like to, which I regret.
Now, the horse-crazy bunch that was with me to the restaurant isn’t in the same stable as me anymore, but some of them I’ve known for 10-15 years.
And you know, eating good food, having a good laugh or two and chatting horse with old friends, that’s the very best.
Even better than Kyra.
Fin sida, kul läsning. Välkommen att besöka min. Mvh irene, Sverige
Tack för svaret. Blev jätteglad när jag hittade en vettig dressyrsida. Men skriva på engelska blir nog överkurs för mig. Att läsa är ok. Kommer att följa din sida. Mvh Irene
:-D !
You know Anne, I saw the DVD with Andreas Helgestrand once again yesterday. Can't imagine how tired you must have got to film that whole session! Why didn't you ask for me for help??!
Hmm, I didn't really think about it I think. You know, us horse people are used to hard work;)
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