July 31, 2009

Back in business!

Back to work, both for the twolegged ones, and the fourlegged ones!
Before we get some vacation fat trimmed off, we need some shoes...
Off to get some help, luckily it's walking distance!

Charlie behaved.
Fame almost behaved.
Got just a teeny-weeny bit bored at the end. Hehum.

While I was holding Fame, my daughter made a new acquintance. A very friendly one!
When we were finished, we took the horses up to the pasture again. We are not bringing them home quite yet.

Charlie was his normal, charming self.
He is such a cutie!

Yesterday the rain was pouring down, and we had a storm coming in. The weather was terrible during the night, and I had trouble sleeping, thinking of the horses.
I had to check up on them before going to work. Fortunately everything was fine.

This afternoon the weather had cleared up and we even had some sun.
Today we went on our first ride since we put the horses out on pasture.
Unfortunately I forgot my cellphone in the car, so I don't have any pictures from the ride - but it was marvellous!
My daughter was with me, and it was four very happy beings roaming the forest for an hour's ride.
The horses were eager and happy, and so were we!
We had all kinds of entertainment; meeting horsewagons, bikes in high speed, and even dogteam with bike, traning for the winter season. We had to pass wooden bridges with roaring water under - we had some heavy rainfall the last 24 hrs, so all waterways are flowing over.
The horses were a bit apprehensive negotiating the bridges, but went over after a slight hesitation - how good they were!
It is so good to be back in the saddle, yippeee!!!

I love the pasture where we have our horses.
It is meadowland and hilly, so they don't get too fat and they have to exercise when moving around. They have access to sheltering forest in bad weather.
When we get them back to work they usually are in pretty good shape - and eager to get back to work after having some time off. As we are :)

Outside it is still lovely, but the light green in the leaves has turned into a more saturated colour. And it is getting darker in the nights.
I have tried to transform the jungle outside our house to a garden again, with mixed result.
As I was a bit "behind" on the weeding before we left for vacation all was kind of wild when returning...
At least it is better than it was!

Enjoy your summer! Have some berries while they are fresh!
(and thanks to my daughter for the pics!)


Anonymous said...

Enig med deg Maria; jeg gleder meg også masse til å komme igang med hestene igjen etter ferien!
Vi henter hestene hjem fra beite imorgen.

Sitter på nattevakt nå og må innrømme at jeg er litt spent på hengerturen siden ZanDay skadet seg sist. Vi tar ihvertfall ikke sjangsen på å leie samme henger denne gangen ;)

Vet ikke om hestene gleder seg like mye til å komme hjem da. De er livredde for å bli tatt bort fra resten av flokken når vi er der på besøk... men det blir godt å få dem hjem :)

Når det gjelder uværet igår må jeg innrømme at også mine tanker gikk til hestene på beite... Tenk på den overgangen for ZanDay som har levd et nokså beskyttet liv i Sverige... Men hun virker å trives! Blid og fornøyd :)

Tarzan har det jo som plummen i egget. Masse gress og masse damer ;) Men magen hans begynner å vise tegn på at ferien er ferdig for denne gang...

Som du sikkert skjønner har jeg også opprettet blogg nå... Må innrømme at jeg ble litt inspirert av "Tarzan-bloggen" du skrev etter stevnehelgen i vår ;)

trudi said...

sounds like a great ride. How nice walking to the farrier, used to do that when I was a kid.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Good to hear you're back in business and riding with your daughter. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. It looks like beautiful countryside too.

RuckusButt said...

I can almost taste that raspberry!

I was going to ask awhile ago whether it was difficult to get them back into condition after the summer off but you answered my question!

It has been very wet here too this last month. My garden is also a jungle.

Anonymous said...

Have fun getting back to riding! Sounds like you're all feeling refreshed and eager.

Btw, how did you learn to communicate in English so well? Seeing Siri's comment reminded me that you're translating for us...

HorseOfCourse said...

Thanks for your comments all!

RuckusButt - normally I ride Fame 6 days/week, but apart from the time I ride her she doesn't do much the rest of the day.
The horses are out from morning to afternoon, but then they mostly just hang around, watching the surroundings, eat and groom each other.
I can see that Fame has lost some of her top line, but I know that she moves around more over the day than what she does at home.
So I don't believe the ground condition is lost, but I cannot put her straight back to where she was in work.
We'll just start up with some supplying work and some hacking, and see how things are progressing from that.

Stillearning - yes, I am very eager to get going!
We washed down the boxes today, and we are going to put on some fresh paint tomorrow. As soon as it is dried, we are taking them home.
Thanks for complimenting my English!
I just try to use it much. I need it at work and as I love to read I read quite a lot of English litterature. The selection is wider, and there is always something that gets lost in a translation.
Siri is Tarzan's owner, if you recall the rascal from some posts ago?
Siri has just started a blog of her own, so she gave me a hint on that and updated me on what had happened lately as we haven't seen each other during the summer closing of the stable.
It will not only be nice to get the horses home, it will be nice to meet all the other horse owners too!