Bună seara, blog-ul dvs. mi-a dat o calatorie placuta cu vise de vacanta, 2011 sa va aduca împlinirea dorinţelor, îngerii vor fi aproape, dimineaţa să te trezeşti zâmbind şi nopţile sa te gaseasca langa cei dragi. Mery din România.La multi ani!
Good evening, your blog gave me a pleasant journey holiday, 2011 will bring to fulfillment desires, your angels are near, dimimeata to wake up smiling, and at night to be near loved ones Happy Birthday!
The Tomten...he is speaking...a silent little language to us humans too..."winters come and winters go, summer will come again, and we shall frolic warmly again!" Happy New Years tidings to you!
This blog is mainly about my horse life. As a birthday present when I turned 6 yo I wished for, and got, a riding lesson. Have no idea why; none of my parents were into horses. But I was bitten by the bug.
43 years later I am still a horse person, and luckily my husband and daughter are too. Now we are owned by 2 horses and two cats. We live in a woodland area outside Oslo, Norway, where we at wintertime have to fight our way between moose and ski-nitwits.
Welcome to my world!
Simply the best, and knows it too. (Yeah, yeah, I know. I have a totally blind spot here.) Electric Fame, 8 yo sports pony mare after Power Boy. How it started? Click the pic.
Elin's pet
The eternal optimist. Carrots anyone? MacGyver aka Charlie, sold in 2011
the sofa princess
Sleeping Beauty. Wakes up in good weather.
King of hunt
A living furball that won't let bad weather come between him and a mouse
Happy on horseback in 1974
Happy on horseback in 2009
"Take most people, they're crazy about cars. I'd rather have a goddamn horse. A horse is at least human, for God's sake." J. D. Salinger (1919-)
The foundation
"Winning the horse's trust and relaxation takes the greatest patience and self-discipline, a lesson that riders can learn only if they are made aware of the necessity of learning it"
Walter Zettl
The work
"One's goal should be to achieve great things playfully" Egon von Neindorff
"Beginner riders ride what they see in front of them - the head and neck. Intermediate riders ride what's underneath them: the ribcage. Advanced riders ride what's behind them: the hindquarters."
The Orchard Takes a Hit
You wouldn't know it to look at the garden, but the orchard is really
having a hard spring.
We had a very late, very cold, and prolonged, frost in Apri...
Let's Get to It
I'm neglecting you again.
Can I make it worse?
I have about 10 half finished stories hidden back here.
I've been mulling things over and getting stuck. S...
The Week In Pictures
" The Geese"
No idea what they're all looking at in the hay field next door but I'm sure
it's very interesting
"Where have you been? Don't you know it'...
Joust training
This year I will be attending a Joust in the Netherlands. Perhaps with
Finorio, perhaps with one of the other more experienced boys. But either
way we have...
The trouble is...
Likeminded people, those who share our views, values, support what we do,
are few and far between. One of mine passed away today. Even though we all
Back in the Saddle...Again
Hello there! It's been a really long time and I'm sorry I've been away so
long. Life got in the way. You know how that can happen.
I've been short on energ...
Jaha, då har man lärt sig något nytt. Fick massa svarta flimrande saker i
synfältet på h öga som inte ville ge med sig. Inte alls ont, men förstås
Looking for Beautiful Things
Hey there long lost blogging friends! I hope you are all well! I've sure
been gone a long time without checking in!
We are all happy and healthy at Hon...
An Autumn Dressage course
*Danni's back story.*
The years have gone passed, the recession had hit and I'm in my sixties
now so all in all, I had resigned myself to my own particu...
The tchotchkes of life
*By Gayle Carline*
*Author, horse lover, and distracted mental toddler*
When people tell me they're having a senior moment, I say I much prefer the
term "t...
Godaddy sucks!
I am sorry I left this dead I am some personal stuff going on and Godaddy
in the middle of it scrubbed the website and can’t restore it, even though
an age...
Warning! Some graphic photos!!
Back in January, I had my vet look at a lump on Gem's chest. It was
located on the fatty area of his breast. I noticed i...
My final tribute to Major on this Christmas Eve. He has been dead almost
six weeks and I miss him every single day. Run free lovely boy.
Major - My Hor...
Hello, hello!
Phone Posting
How Are You All? These Summer Like Spring Days Have Been Good To Us In The
PNW. Lots Of Riding, Resting, Working And Gardening.
Lovely ...
Second Show.
I had another post in the works about a lesson where we trailered to
another barn to work some actual courses outside...but I didn't get it done
before sho...
“On the Bit”—Next Phase
· *Balancing*
· *Building*
· *Rewarding*
In the previous stages, you worked on relaxing the...
It's been a while.....
I seem to have been very busy the last few months, and been a bit remiss
updating my blog.
My time has been taken up with the horses and the sax - it's a gr...
New beginnings
It's been a while coming but *drum roll* my business website is up and
In future I will be blogging at least monthly from Wordpress (mainly for
Moving On.
I've decided to call time on this blog as it has become a bit of a
repetition of what I post on Facebook and it's drifted a long way from the
reason I star...
California december 2012!
Fortune cookie factory
Christmas in San Francisco
The view from the operating theater
Alcatraz Island
Los Angeles from t...
Thanks and a very happy festive time to you and yours.
Enjoy your family and friends and all the best in 2011!!
I loved the story of the Tomten. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
And to you and yours as well!
Happy Christmas! I am so glad to have found your blog this year.
Very Merry Christmas and All the best for the New Year!
A very Happy Christmas and all the very best for 2011, Horse Of Course!!!!xxxxx
Interesting story about the Tomten. I've not heard it before. Pretty pictures.
Merry Christmas HorseOfCourse. Have a very happy New Year.
Hey, awesome blog! If you're at all interested in music, then you can visit mine at http://notesdaily.wordpress.com/
Bună seara, blog-ul dvs. mi-a dat o calatorie placuta cu vise de vacanta, 2011 sa va aduca împlinirea dorinţelor, îngerii vor fi aproape, dimineaţa să te trezeşti zâmbind şi nopţile sa te gaseasca langa cei dragi. Mery din România.La multi ani!
Good evening, your blog gave me a pleasant journey holiday, 2011 will bring to fulfillment desires, your angels are near, dimimeata to wake up smiling, and at night to be near loved ones Happy Birthday!
The Tomten...he is speaking...a silent little language to us humans too..."winters come and winters go, summer will come again, and we shall frolic warmly again!"
Happy New Years tidings to you!
Your Header is FABULOUS!
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