We had some action at the stable today.
Christina went out to train one of the race horses during the day.
Riding down the path through the forest she encounters three moose.
She starts yelling to get them going, but one of them instead of running away flattens the ears and starts running towards them.

Christina and her horse agrees very quickly to turn and get going in the opposite direction.
Problem is that we do not only have exceptionally much snow this year, it is also turning mushy - rotten - through the mild temperatures the last days. The packed snow on the narrow path is the only place that can take the weight of the horse.
So when they turn and get the speed up, her horse trots outside the path in speed and falls.
Christina manages to hang on, but in the mayhem when the horse tries to get up she loses her balance and get a punch in the back. Her horse is stressed and somehow manages to bolt out in the field.
Christina gets on her feet, and get to her horse. By this time her horse is stuck in the snow. It is deep and heavy.
Somehow she manages to get him out of the snow, back to the path and home, with his bridle in two pieces and an aching back.
The moose has (luckily) disappeared in the meantime.
I was a bit apprehensive going out on the ride today.
Two moose, but none attacking TG.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for Amsterdam, to watch the European final of the dressage world cup.
Have a nice weekend, everybody!
(I sure will, bwahaha!)
Fy, vad hemskt! Vilken upplevelse! Stackars människa (o häst). Älgar med öronen bakåt är inte att leka med.
OOOOOO vad avis jag blir! Amsterdam! Vad kul!
Ha det så bra, måste va en upplevelse!
Oh..that sounds scary. Glad everyone is ok. Have a nice trip.
that is truly scary. A fall is not fun, even in mushy snow.
Hi everyone, and thanks!
Yes, considering the surcumstances it all went well.
Everyone here is a bit anxious riding out now though.
What a nightmare. That story makes me nervous about riding and I don't even have moose here.
Oh my! With all your moose sightings, I have to admit, I've been wondering if you or anyone you knew would have an encounter with an agressive one. I'm always nervous about running into one in the woods during mating season (that and mama black bears with cubs...scary!) I'm glad they are both OK!
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